Ryan White Services
MERCI is proud to serve those living with HIV in the Memphis region. With funding made available through the Memphis Ryan White Program, MERCI offers the following:
- Individual counseling sessions
- Group therapy sessions
If you are Ryan White eligible you may call us directly to schedule an appointment, or you may ask your Case Manager to make a referral.
Ryan White Care
MERCI is committed to the Ryan White community and to the provision of the highest quality mental health care.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Act was enacted in 1990 and is administered by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). It is the largest federally funded program in the U.S. for people living with and affected by HIV.
Bipolar Disorder
Personality Disorders
Anger Management
Relationship Repair
(parent, youth, couple)
Addiction Recovery
(individual & family healing)
Co-Occuring Disorders
Trauma-Informed Care
Grief, Loss, and Life Transitioning
Chronic/Terminal Illness
(adults and youth)